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Navicat Premium v15 Free Download For Lifetime

Navicat Premium Software for managing and working with MySQL, PostgreSQL, and Oracle databases. Navicat provides a powerful graphical user interface for database management and maintenance. In fact, the software's easy-to-install, user-friendly interface makes it an indispensable tool for MySQL, SQLite, Oracle, and PostgreSQL on your web or local desktop. Navicat Premium allows you to organize and exchange data in databases and make sure that these processes are safe. Using Navicat Premium, you can connect to local servers or remotes, and perform operations such as input (portImport) and data (Export) functions, as well as backup. You can also download Mozilla Firefox v77
Navicat Premium v15

Navicat Premium software also supports importing data from ODBC, scheduling tasks (meaning creating a timeline for import and export, transferring data and stored queries), and printing a spreadsheet. This software includes a prominent graphical manager for setting users and access points. Navicat Premium also supports code completion, email notification forms and services, and more.

Features Of Navicat Premium

  • Supports the latest versions of MySQL, PostgreSQL, and Oracle
  • Use the SQL control panel in program design
  • Ability to make multiple connections in an instant
  • Backing up databases and retrieving them
  • Supports XLS, CSV, TXT, DBF, and XML formats in data input and output
  • Advanced graphic design
  • Support for all Microsoft Window

System Requirements for Windows

  • Microsoft Windows XP SP3, Vista, Windows 7, Windows 8, Windows 8.1, Windows 10, Server 2003, Server 2008, Server 2012

Portable Version Without The Need For Installation

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