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IObit Uninstaller Pro v10 Free Download For Lifetime

IObit Uninstaller software that allows you to completely and securely install various programs installed on the system. IObit Uninstaller can completely uninstall programs by removing all its accessories from the system so that no files related to the uninstalled program remain on the system.
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IObit Uninstaller Pro v10

Less Problematic Windows Updates:
IObit Uninstaller 6 can help users easily manage Windows Updates from the Windows Update tab. If any updates meet a compatibility problem, you can easily use IObit Uninstaller 6 to remove them quickly and completely. You can also create a system restore point in case anything unexpected happens.

Faster & Safer Browsing:
Annoying toolbars & plug-ins degrade your online browsing experience and invade your online privacy. IObit Uninstaller 6 is the best uninstaller tool for detecting and removing malicious & ad-based plug-ins to avoid them changing your homepage, tracking your activities, or making pop-up ads. IObit Uninstaller 6 also supports the removal of Microsoft Edge extensions for Windows 10 users.

More Powerful Tools:
IObit Uninstaller 6 also can auto-detect leftovers of programs uninstalled by third-party uninstallers and notify Powerful Scan to remove them thoroughly and quickly. Also Cleanup Residual in the Tools section of IObit Uninstaller 6 can help clean the files left by standard uninstall and Windows patch caches files to free up more space for your PC.

Features of IObit Uninstaller software

  • Managing and deleting Windows updates
  • Deleting Internet browser plugins
  • Advanced options for deleting applications

System Requirements of IObit Uninstaller Pro

  • Windows XP / Vista / 7/8 / 8.1 / 10
  • 300 MB of free disk space
  • 1024 * 768 screen resolution and above

How To Install IObit Uninstaller Pro v10

  1. Install the software.
  2. Disable your antivirus **.
  3. Copy the Loader-IU.exe file from the Crack folder to the software installation location.
  4. Right-click on the Loader-IU.exe file and select Send to -> Desktop to create a shortcut on the desktop.
  5. To run the software, you need to right-click on the Loader-IU.exe file and select Run as Administrator.
  6. From now on, run the software only in the same way.
It is better to remove the main icon created by the software from the desktop.
** Loader file is known as a virus by antivirus or Defender software of Windows due to its nature and you should declare it allowed in this software.
Antivirus or even Windows Defender may be sensitive to C: \ Program Files (x86) Files IObit \ IObit Uninstaller \ version.dll and may not allow Loader to run.

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