idoo File Encryption Pro powerful software for encrypting and locking files, folders and personal information in Windows. With this program and using complex and professional encryption, you can lock your data to be out of reach of other users.
idoo File Encryption Pro software helps you to quickly and easily define a secure password.
In addition, you can hide your files and folders from other users by hiding them. One of the good features of
idoo File Encryption Pro software is informing you when other users have unauthorized access. For example, when someone tries to log in to the system over and over again with the wrong password, you will immediately receive a notification email. At the same time, the program is closed to prevent further efforts.
Features of idoo File Encryption Pro v9.3
- Ability to hide files, folders or drives
- Lock data and information in files, folders or drives
- Protect files and folders inside a locked folder and no need to password
- encrypted files and folders
- set a password for secure software
- get e-mail alerts and notification when unauthorized access to systems
- user-friendly interface and is very easy.
System Requirements
- Windows 7 8 10 32/64-bit
- Windows Vista 32/64-bit
- Windows XP 32/64-bit
- Windows 2000
- Windows Server 2000 32/64-bit
- Windows Server 2003 32/64-bit
- Windows Server 2008 32/64-bit
Activation Training
- Disable system access to the Internet.
- Install the software.
- Run the Keygen.exe file and after selecting the software name (File Encryption) from the Product drop-down menu, click on the Generate button to generate a new serial number.
- Run the software and register it by entering the desired email address and the serial number.
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